Participate in the community - dare to share!

Your efforts combined with everyone else’s will raise the quality and quantity of great information. You can submit tips, links, content, opinions, questions, and more in the forms below or via email. You can also use the hashtag #RISEcontent to easily share on social media. Content is evaluated and moderated – we’ll notify you on posting status.

Submit Dashboard Content

Email or enter your submission below:

Submit a link to the content you think is great to add to RISE and which Dashboard(s) you feel it’s relevant to. Do not submit proprietary or classified content. All submissions will be moderated by RISE staff.

Submit Questions

Email or enter your submission below:

Submit Opinions

We’d love to hear your thoughts on the economic recovery! All opinions should be focused on how to better restart the global economy – sweeping ideas down to standardizing one piece of data.

  • Published pieces typically run from 300 to 1,000 words, but we’ll consider all submissions.
  • We ask that everyone include a one-sentence author identification at the top of the submission, and a LinkedIn profile pointer if you want to be identified – please indicate if you want to publish anonymously.
  • All submissions must be your original opinions
  • As a matter of security, please embed your piece in the email body, not as an attachment.

Submissions may be sent to