RISE is an information sharing community hosted by Swan Island Networks utilizing the TX360 cloud platform to share information, news, best practices and a host of other non-proprietary sources and resources.
The economic (and societal) recovery will come with challenges and setbacks. In any emergency or crisis, everyone fares better when all parties work together to share data gathered, lessons learned, and emerging best practices. RISE is a platform to foster, encourage, and enable information sharing, cooperation, and collaboration.
RISE connects a wide range of verified corporations, with people from business continuity, security, intelligence, risk management, operations and the C-suite.
Individuals representing organizations join as individuals. Participants obtain a username and password from Swan Island Networks. Swan reserves the right to choose who can be granted access.
Swan Island Networks is an intelligence aggregation company whose software and analyst teams scour the globe for relevant content. In addition, participants and sponsors of dashboards will be able to add content to the environment, creating a network effect.
RISE is free for 2 people per organization. Additional logins for qualifying companies can be purchased for $25/month.
Our technology makes creating new dashboards easy. If you have an idea, submit it through the feedback tab, and we’ll do what we can to accommodate you.
RISE has an alert feed for breaking and important news. You can choose to receive alerts, and you can share the alerts you get with anyone in your organization or network whether or not they subscribe to RISE.
Not under this iteration – it makes it easier for people to share if they know its anonymous. If the community gives us feedback that a messaging forum like Slack or a bulletin board system with identifiers is desired, we’ll do it.
Yes! Use the SUBMIT tab on the left or email whatever content you’d like to submit to recovery@txlink.net.