The Metropolitan Resilience Network (MRN) is an innovative public/private initiative hosted by the International Center for Enterprise Preparedness (InterCEP) at New York University and championed by the Port Authority of NY & NJ to enable more effective preparation for, response to and recovery from the ever increasing range of disruptions to the metro-New York region. It is designed to enable businesses, government and other stakeholders to effectively collaborate and bring together a range of capabilities, resources and intelligence to address shared threats such as severe weather, flooding, utility outages, cyber attacks, terrorism and other hazards.Some of the MRN’s core objectives include:
- Providing a real-time communications & collaboration platform
- Providing a “Common Operational Picture” of the region to improve situational awareness
- Conducting senior staff face-to-face forums
- Embedding the private sector in the Port Authority’s Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
- “Best practice” resource sharing between businesses and government agencies
- Developing and distributing an annual Global Risk Digest
- Convening monthly risk briefings via web forums with key experts
- Supporting joint public-private sector exercises
- Undertaking special projects focused on common needs & challenges